
Parking for Municipal Election August 12

Aug 10, 2017


Annual Municipal Elections for the City of Rehoboth Beach are held on the second Saturday in August. The next Municipal Election is scheduled for August 12, 2017, from 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Due to ongoing construction of the City Hall Municipal Complex, the annual election will be held at the Rehoboth Beach Fire Company located at 219 Rehoboth Avenue.

There will be 17 parking spaces reserved for voters at the following locations:

Three spaces on the north side of Rehoboth Avenue directly in front of Conch Island Bar and Grill.

Six spaces on the north side of the island on Rehoboth Avenue directly across from Conch Island Bar and Grill.

Eight spaces on the south side of the island on Rehoboth Avenue directly across from Dos Locos Restaurant.

Also, there will be limited handicap parking available in the rear of the Rehoboth Beach Volunteer Fire Company, and a handicap drop off/pick up point located at the fire station entrance on Rehoboth Avenue. All spaces will have "Reserved" signage. A seasonal police officer will be present on Rehoboth Avenue in the voter parking areas to enforce these spaces. 


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